June 2, 2022

The announcement of the 49MW solar PV plant in the North Region – Portugal on media

Following the recent announcement by BNZ, regarding the authorization to build a photovoltaic solar plant in the Northern Region of Portugal, the company is gearing up to commence construction on its first facility in the country. This plant, situated in the intermunicipal community of Ave, will have an installed capacity of 49 MWp.

The Ave plant will significantly contribute to clean energy production, with the capability to meet the annual electricity needs of approximately 14,000 people, roughly one-third of the population of Évora. Additionally, it is estimated to prevent the emission of 21,500 tons of CO2 per year, equivalent to about 37,000 round-trip flights between Lisbon and London.

This project also has a positive impact on employment, as the creation of between 270 and 370 direct and indirect jobs is anticipated by the year 2024. The production of affordable and reliable solar energy will contribute to energy independence and supply security, reducing the reliance on importing fossil fuels such as natural gas.

The significance of this milestone in the region has not gone unnoticed, generating significant coverage in national and international media, especially in Portuguese outlets such as ECO – Economia Online, Diário de Notícias da Madeira Online, Essential Business Online, Negócios, and Ambiente Magazine Online, among others.

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