March 4, 2022

BNZ backs its first social project in Portugal

BNZ, an independent energy producer (IPP), adds its support to the PT2020-backed social project “Cuidar Maior”, in the municipality of Vila Nova de Familicão in Portugal’s Norte region.

Many families in the community are caring for members with special needs, from dementia or alzheimer to motor or psychomotor issues, oftentimes left fending for themselves. The “Cuidar Maior” social project is an individualized and personalized intervention program that aims at shedding light and bringing the necessary attention to those in need. The project acts in the early fight against burnout of those informal caregivers, through psycho-educational support and family counselling. These actions aim to positively influence the quality of life of the caregivers and respective families, in order to create strategies and to manage emotions/stress, reduce symptoms of depression, increase skills and information, as well as replace the caregiver when he/she needs it. Also in this scope, a mobile application is being developed, which will facilitate the monitoring of caregivers.

Ana Raquel Carvalho, coordinator of the “Cuidar Maior” project, highlights the importance of the role of informal caregivers: “According to a survey conducted at national level, by the end of 2020, there are around 1.4 million informal caregivers in Portugal. And the informal carer is our priority in “Cuidar Maior”. These people who, every day, give their unconditional support to someone, must also be supported. It is urgent to act in a preventive way so that they have the highest possible quality of life and that is what we work for every day.”

The project focuses its systemic approach on different areas of intervention, allowing the State to reduce its costs in the medium/long term, namely in the areas of health and social security. Through a multidisciplinary team, “Cuidar Maior” mobilises internal resources and partnerships, supporting informal carers in Vila Nova de Famalicão.

BNZ’s private contribution to this PT2020 publicly-backed social project consists in participating in “Cuidar Maior” through the hiring and financial support of 5 additional full-time local employees, among which are a project coordinator, a psychologist, a social educator, a social service technician, and an entertainer. These 5 employees will join the existing team, which currently has 40 members.

“This is a very relevant partnership for us. Our goals as an IPP, aside from delivering clean and affordable energy to the grid, are to establish our local environmental and social presence, through a beneficial and cooperative relationship with all the communities where we operate.” explains Luis Selva, Managing Director of BNZ. “We are aware that “Cuidar Maior”’s hiring of these employees will be fundamental to the support that it provides to the community and, for this reason, we are very pleased to back this project” concludes Selva.

The project’s Intervention Methodology, approved by the Partnerships for Impact – Portugal Social Innovation Programme, will be officially presented on March 3rd, at 18h30, at the Requião Multipurpose Pavilion.

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