May 23, 2024

Meet the Team – Samantha Pellegrino


  1. What is your role in BNZ?

At BNZ I am responsible for creating and managing financial models, whether they are decision-making models, operational management models or performance analysis and measurement models.

  1. How long have you been working in the renewable energy sector?

Thanks to BNZ I started my career in the renewable energy sector. A choice that I would confirm again without any doubt.

  1. How do you think the sector has changed in these years?

The renewable energy sector has become aware of what is the line to follow to fight pollution, climate change and to guarantee energy independence and political-economic stability in Europe.

In recent years, in fact, the European energy sector has seen a necessary and very important directional change for achieving the decarbonization and climate objectives established by the Green Deal to guarantee the final consumer safe, sustainable, competitive and affordable energy.

The production of renewable energy grew significantly, reaching +48% in the period 2011 – 2021 while, in the same period, there was a significant decline in the production of natural gas (-63%) and petroleum products (-40% approx.).

Furthermore, although the main source of energy consumed in Europe still comes from fossil fuels, the trend is towards reducing the use of this energy in favour of the use of energy from renewable sources.

  1. What are the main challenges for the sector in the coming years?

I would say that the biggest challenges for the sector come from two different fronts. On one hand there is the legislative aspect; governments will have to intervene to encourage and support the development of renewable energy production and the penetration of the energy market. On the other hand, we must continue to raise awareness in the market, with particular attention to some specific sectors such as the transport sector and that of private consumers. Great steps forward, in terms of raising awareness, have already been made, but more steps must and can still be done.

  1. What does BNZ have that its competitors don’t?

The desire to do things “properly”, work well and for the good of the communities and the environment.

  1. How do you see BNZ in 5 years?

In 5 years, I imagine BNZ as a leading IPP in Europe, a reference for market best practices.

  1. Which countries are making greater efforts for photovoltaic energy?

Alongside the large solar energy giants, today many southern European countries such as Italy, Spain and Portugal are making large investments in this sector.

  1. What would you ask of the government to promote this type of clean energy?

I believe it is essential that local administrations have regulations that are fully aligned with the objectives of European policy.

For its part, however, Europe will have to implement demand support manoeuvres in order to support the price and, therefore, make investment in renewable energy attractive for the market.

  1. And the citizens?

Citizens must do their part by making conscious and eco-sustainable choices in everyday life.

  1. What do you do in your day to day to reduce your carbon footprint?

I believe every small gesture matters, so I try to take public transport as often as I can. I also choose to shop at stores committed to the environment and ethical practices, and I buy food from small shops, thereby supporting local commerce.


In Depth

  • A hobby: Crosswords and Sudoku. I love doing yoga and swimming (better if I can do it in the sea doing scuba diving).
  • A country to visit: The world, my wanderlust is endless.
  • A city to live in: London. Despite it not being my homeplace, I feel in London as I am at home. It is an authentic melting pot of many different cultures and such a vibrant city where you could never get bored.
  • An animal: A lion.
  • A movie: The Pursuit of Happyness.
  • A book: A Journey Called Life – Banana Yoshimoto.
  • A type of cuisine: I’m a foodie, I love trying everything.
  • A colour: Green, like calmness.

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